The Parks and Recreation Commission has the power and the duty to make recommendations regarding all public parks, waterfront or lakes as allowed by Michigan Law, and any lands or lots heretofore devised and bequeathed to or purchased by the City for park purposes and shall make recommendations regarding the ornamenting, adorning, laying out and improving of the grounds of such parks and may recommend the adoption of any and all rules necessary for the use of such parks. All recommendations shall be made to the City Council, either directly or through the City Manager. This Commission works with the City Manager to develop a five (5) year Parks & Recreation Plan.
Commissioners hold appointed office. The Commission meets the third Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 6:00 p.m. at The Loose Senior Center located at 707 North Bridge Street, Linden, Michigan, 48451.
Parks and Recreation Board Members:
Mike Dietz
Judy Hunter
Sadie Kosin
Kristen Wesley
Aaron Wiens
Pam Howd (Advisory Member)
Rachel Pearce (Advisory Member)
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